2a.Round Types
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Rounds can be customised. The customise feature is at the bottom the difficulty dropdown — customise —
You can give your customised round an appropriate name and save it , click on the floppy disk icon

Round Types
Single Shooter
Target Practise
Targets will light up one by one and will stay on until the target times out. There are no green targets and targets stay on for an even amount of time each.
Reaction Test
Targets will light up one-by-one, with the next target lighting up once a target is either hit or times out. The amount of time a shooter gets to hit a target gradually decreases as the round progresses. Avoid hitting the green targets, which have a 25% chance of appearing,
Shooting Gallery
Targets Light up in sequences with multiple targets lit at the same time and green targets appearing with the percentages set. You can set the flow of the round to use draw gates to allow time to transition or reload between sequences is needed, or remove gates to have a faster pace to the round.
Time Trial
Shoot as many targets as possible in a set amount of time. Targets will light up one by one and stay on until shot without timing out. The round is over when the amount of time allotted to the round is up, the round is scored based on how many targets have been hit.
Set targets up in a straight line moving away from the shooter, targets will light one by one starting with the farthest target and moving in staggered pattern towards the shooter. Once the shooter hits the target, the next wave will begin from the farthest target again. If the shooter doesn’t hit any target in a wave before the nearest target deactivates a miss is recorded,
Shoot In Sequence
Targets light up one-by-one in the order they appear on this screen, drag and drop targets on this screen to change the order as needed The next target lights up once the previous target is hit or times out. This is a good round for sniper practise or practical shooting disciplines,
Hostage Rescue
Shoot the red targets without hitting any green targets. Multiple targets will light up in a staggered manner, with more green targets than red. Red targets come in waves for added tension.
Have a wild west shootout, with occasional Sheriff’s to avoid. Targets will light up quickly but reveal for longer in each new sequence, so the shooter has to decide whether to camp on a specific target or move between targets to get the best time. Once the individual target has been shot it will not come on again so the aim of the round is to de-activate all the targets at which point the round is complete. If you hit a green target then the target will not light up red again in the round and the target will be counted as a miss.
Sudden Ambush
Targets come on all together and have to be shot before the next wave begins. Targets will light up after a random delay determined by the Before Reveal setting and will stay on for one unit of the Shoot Allowance plus the number of targets times the Acquire Time. After all the targets have been shot, targets will come on again after the Activation Delay for the number of sequences set.
Casino Drill
6 targets will light up on by one in a random sequence, each subsequent target needs shooting one more time than the last, so the first target needs shooting once, the second twice and so on. Your objective is to complete the round in less than 21 seconds.
Multi Shooter
Two Shooter Ambush
Targets will light in sequences, with half the targets showing red and half showing green. In each sequence the first 50% of targets as shown on this screen will always be red, and the last 50% will always be red, and the last 50% will always be green, re-order targets if needed by dragging and dropping on this screen. If there are an odd number of targets available then always the middle target in the list will not light.
Targets will time out if not shot and the next sequence will only commence once both shooters ahve shot all targets or any targets time out. If one shooter shoots all their targets in a sequence they will wait until the other shooter hits their targets or they time out.
The winner is the shooter who shot the most targets, or if both shooters shot the same amount of targets the winner is the shooter with the lowest average reaction time.
Two Shooter Flip
Each shooter has to keep as many targets showing their colour as possible. Targets will initially stay blank until shot and will turn a random colour, with half the targets turning red and half the targets initially turning green. Shooting an active target will flip its colour to the other shooter.
After the amount of time selected the round is over. For rounds lasting less than 60 seconds, the winner is the shooter with the most targets showing their colour after the round completes. For rounds lasting more than 60 seconds or if two shooters have the same number of targets showing their colour, the winner is the shooter who had targets showing their colour for the longest amount of time.
Multi Shooter Gallery
Targets will light up in sequences, with half the targets showing red and half showing green. In each sequence the red and green targets are randomised across all available targets available then one target will not light.
Targets will time out if not shot and the next sequence will only commence once both shooters have shot all targets or any targets time out. If one shooter shoots all their targets in a sequence they will wait until the other shooter hits theirs targets or they time out.
The winner is the shooter who shot the most targets, or if both shooters shot the same amount of targets the winner is the shooter with the lowest average reaction time.
Multi Shooter Time Trial
Each shooter has to hit as many targets in their colour as possible in the amount of time set, Targets light up one by one and will stay on until shot. The winner is the shooter who hits the most of their targets in the time set.
Two Shooter Casino Drill
Each shooter has 6 targets to shoot, with each subsequent target the number of hits required on each target increases by one. The objective is for a shooter to clear the round in less than 21 seconds.
Multi Shooter Draw
Each target is assigned to a different shooter and the shooter stands holstered in front of their target. All targets will light up after a random delay, the shooter who hits their target first wins.
Team Domination
Targets will light with the first 50% in red, the last 50% in green and the round will last for the time specified. When any team hits their colour target, one of the opposing teams previously shot targets will be reanimated. At the end of the time set, the team with most targets shot out at that time wins. If any team shoots all their targets the round will end.
Team Defend
Targets will light with the first half red and second half green. If a target is shot it will count as a hit, then after the Before Reveal Delay it will light up again. Each time a target is hit it will count as another hit on the scoreboard. The team who shot the most targets at the end of the timer wins. Targets will come on in banks, determined by the Round Start Delay.