Terms & Conditions and Privacy Policy
By using any AttackSense system, software or services you agree to these Terms & Conditions and our Privacy Policy:
Your Privacy
AttackSense ShooterID and RangeID equipped systems enable upload of shooter data from the software operating the range to AttackSense servers located in the United Kingdom. AttackSense uses your data solely for the purposes of improving the functionality available to shooters and range operators. No data is, or ever will be sold to third parties, or will be made available to persons or organisations outside of the AttackSense ShooterID and RangeID network.
Your name and / or callsign or nickname is uploaded and stored on AttackSense systems and may be personally identifiable to you, along with performance data relating to your actions on an AttackSense system and your relative ranking compared to other shooters. This information may be provided to other AttackSense ranges as and when you use your ShooterID to enrol into any RangeID equipped AttackSense system, it will not be provided to any other shooter in a personally identifiable way or range operator unless you specifically enrol into their system.
Your performance data will be used to determine other shooters’ ranking by means of relative performance compared to you, however your data will not be provided directly to other shooters.
From time to time, AttackSense may use data generated from your performance to improve the functionality of AttackSense products.
If for any reason you no longer wish for your data to be held on AttackSense servers, you may request removal by contacting AttackSense via email at compliance@attacksense.com. Additionally you may request any data relating to you to be provided to you by emailing compliance@attacksense.com.
Terms and Conditions
Use of this software comes without warranty and with no liability to AttackSense whatsoever.
All data provided by this software is expressly for entertainment and should in no contribute to any professional capability or be relied upon.
Availability of this software and underlying services may be withdrawn at any time and without notice by either AttackSense or the range operator.
Use of this software is subject to fair usage, and excessive loading or refresh within the app may lead to temporary or permanent suspension.
AttackSense are not liable for any inaccuracy of data or for any other malfunction or error in this software or any online services used by it.
This policy was last revised on the 3rd July 2022.