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1. How the targets work

Welcome to the AttackSense target system

Here are some quick notes to help you understand how they work. This will help you understand how the they work wirelessly.

Master & Slaves

Each AttackSense target system has one Master and multiple Slaves.

When ever starting up a target range, select any one of the targets and power it up, wait for the light sequence to finish. The target will be looking for other targets, if it does not find any, it declares itself as a master target. If does find other targets it declares itself as a slave.

When starting the first target it is important to wait for the light sequence to finish. The last flashes of the light tell you information . For a master it’s last flashes will be Yellow .

Then power up all the targets, no need to wait for the light sequence. The final flashes for these targets will be Green .

AttackSense target system with an Access Point

This works as above but with two differences.

Before powering any targets, power the Access Point (AP) first and wait 45 seconds for it boot up.

Then like above power the first target, note that the last few flashes will be Red.

Then power up all the targets, no need to wait for the light sequence. The final flashes for these targets will be Green as above.

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